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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stammer \Stam"mer\ (st[a^]m"m[~e]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stammered (-m[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Stammering.] [OE. stameren, fr. AS. stamur, stamer, stammering; akin to D. & LG. stameren to stammer, G. stammeln, OHG. stammal[=o]n, stamm[=e]n, Dan. stamme, Sw. stamma, Icel. stama, stamma, OHG. & Dan. stam stammering, Icel. stamr, Goth. stamms, and to G. stemmen to bear against, stumm dumb, D. stom. Cf. Stem to resist, Stumble.] To make involuntary stops in uttering syllables or words; to hesitate or falter in speaking; to speak with stops and difficulty; to stutter.

I would thou couldst stammer, that thou mightest pour this concealed man out of thy mouth, as wine comes out of a narrow-mouthed bottle, either too much at once, or none at all.


Stammering \Stam"mer*ing\, a. Apt to stammer; hesitating in speech; stuttering. -- Stam"mer*ing*ly, adv.


Stammering \Stam"mer*ing\, n. (Physiol.) A disturbance in the formation of sounds. It is due essentially to long-continued spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, by which expiration is prevented, and hence it may be considered as a spasmodic inspiration.


n. The act of one who stammers. vb. (present participle of stammer English)


adj. unable to speak freely and easily [syn: stammering(a), stuttering(a)]

Usage examples of "stammering".

Helene in stammering tones, her bosom filled with such joy that she fell on the floor close to the bed, gazing now at her daughter and now at the doctor with distracted looks.

But soon recalling herself to the necessities of the situation, with an effort she shook off the torpor of her memories, and began stammering a few hurried words.

The last of the guests to arrive was Endymion, who came in, looking like a handsome, overgrown schoolboy detected in crime, and stammering an apology for his tardiness.

Coming from a Nonpareil, these words reduced Jessamy to stammering incoherence.

I made the plea without stammering or forgetting my words or otherwise disgracing myself.

I sprang up from my chair and began to talk as quickly as I could, stammering and confused, hardly knowing what I said, but anxious to make him understand in the beginning that I had not come to take back my words of yesterday.

Great, here was his first big decision as a leader, and he was stammering like an idiot!

The bardling backed away towards the door, stammering the first words that came into his head.

Brock imagined that Wuh-Wuh was incapable of speech, except the inarticulate stammerings and grunts which had earned him his name.

But as her eyes looked on me, I grew ashamed, and my voice died away in broken murmurs and stammerings, and at last I was silent.

He dreamed that he was the lord of those pretty shell combs which she wore in her hair, and he even said to himself, in confused and suppressed stammerings of voluptuousness which did not make their way to the light, that there was not a ribbon of her gown, not a mesh in her stockings, not a fold in her bodice, which was not his.

He thought that he was lord of those pretty shell-combs which she had in her hair, and he said to himself even, dim and confused stammerings of dawning desire, that there was not a thread of her dress, not a mesh in her stockings, not a fold of her corset, which was not his.