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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Staminate \Stam"i*nate\ (-n[asl]t), a. [L. staminatus consisting of threads, fr. stamen thread: cf. F. stamin['e].] (Bot.)

  1. Furnished with stamens; producing stamens.

  2. Having stamens, but lacking pistils.


Staminate \Stam"i*nate\ (-n[=a]t), v. t. To indue with stamina. [R.]


a. (context botany English) Having stamens, but (typically) no pistils.


adj. capable of fertilizing female organs [syn: antheral]

Usage examples of "staminate".

There was need of a variety possessing strong, distinct characteristics, hardy, late to start growth, and with the pistillate and staminate blossoms maturing at the same time and bearing a nut of good quality and flavor with a full rich meat.

Most of them the result of placing bitternut hickory pollen on staminate butternut flowers.

This is most easily accomplished by changing a pistillate cutting to a staminate (pollen) parent, using a spray of 100 ppm gibberellic acid in water each day for five consecutive days.