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The Stamenti was the parliament of Sardinia, consisting of representatives of the three estates of the realm. The term "stamenti" is the plural of "stamento", itself an Italianisation of the old Spanish word "estamento", which referred to an estate of the realm. The Sardinian parliament was divided into three traditional estates: the first or ecclesiastical estate (stamento ecclesiastico), the second or baronial estate (stamento baronale, or militare) and the third or peasant estate (stamento demaniale). These were also called bracci (singular braccio), meaning "arms". It had the power to authorise taxation, although its powers were executed by a commission of deputies after 1721 and it was abolished in the " perfect fusion" of the Savoyard realm in 1847, replaced by the Subalpine Senate. It would be almost a hundred years before Sardinia received an autonomous parliament again (1946).