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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stalagmitic \Stal`ag*mit"ic\ (st[a^]l`[a^]g*m[i^]t"[i^]k), Stalagmitical \Stal`ag*mit"ic*al\ (-m[i^]t"[i^]*kal), a. Having the form or structure of stalagmites. -- Stal`ag*mit"ic*al*ly, adv.


a. containing stalagmites

Usage examples of "stalagmitic".

But by some unguessable alchemy the ruts had been refilled with the stalagmitic stuff, restoring the perfect squareness of the hewn blocks.

The surface of the stone had cracked with age, the way dry cheese does, and the stalagmitic substance had come later, filling the cracks and preserving the whole.

It was a natural break in the wall of the cavern that had been trimmed into a keyhole arch shape and then subsequently covered with the pearly stalagmitic stuff.

Still in a small group, hesitantly, a step at a time, they moved forward down the length of the cavern, picking their way through the gallery of tall stalagmitic statues and stumbling over the daggerlike points of limestone that had broken off the ceiling and littered the floor like ancient arrowheads.