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n. (alternative spelling of stainless steel English)

Usage examples of "stainless-steel".

At the bottom of the ladder, Dan found himself standing on deck grating between the two steam boilers, which stood side by side like two stainless-steel buildings.

Inside were several surgical instruments, a stainless-steel handsaw, a cranium drill, a mixed set of scalpels, forceps, hemostats, rib spreaders, and a variety of clamps, their stainless- and chromium-steel surfaces gleaming in the light of the bedside-table lamps.

WHINNYING OF ONE of the packhorses woke Abe with a start, and he fumbled in near panic for the butt of his stainless-steel Colt Python.

In complete contrast, the stainless-steel toecaps of his heavyweight engineer boots were ground to a brilliant shine.

Langdon motioned beside Vittoria to a tray filled with stainless-steel archival tools.

Are your Wagner was spared the necessity of an immediate reply by the appearance of Sergeant Major Taylor and a cleik cariying a stainless-steel pitcher of coffee, cups, and doughnuts.

The cliched green tile, stainless-steel equipment, instruments, tubes.

You looked for a coalminer, one of the older cars that were harder to clean afterward, instead of the stainless-steel dingdongs.

He raised his eyebrows significantly at Nell, implying that any unauthorized personnel who tried to walk across it would be impaled on hydraulic stainless-steel spikes or shot through with cookiecutters or rent by robot dogs.

Next to the Salton Sonata toaster and the Cuisinart Little Pro food processor and the Acme Supreme Juicerator and the Cordially Yours liqueur maker stands the heavy‑gauge stainless-steel two‑and‑one‑half‑quart teakettle, which whistles "Tea for Two" when the water is boiling, and with it I make another small cup of the decaffeinated apple‑cinnamon tea.

She found Dave behind the long, stainless-steel counter dishing up soup to the line of cold, hungry people.

She walked past two men dollying a stainless-steel lab refrigerator past the reception desk.

I have one eye, a scar that bisects my face, a stainless-steel hand, and a Teflon larynx.

Bierce tore off a piece of absorbent paper, leaned across to a stainless-steel sink and dampened the paper.

Competency, expertise -- nerves like fine-spun filaments of platinum, joints like neatly mashed gears and stainless-steel ball bearings.