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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stagnate \Stag"nate\ (st[a^]g"n[=a]t), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stagnated (-n[asl]*t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Stagnating.] [L. stagnatus, p. p. of stagnare to stagnate, make stagnant, from stagnum a piece of standing water. See Stank a pool, and cf. Stanch, v. t.]

  1. To cease to flow; to be motionless; as, blood stagnates in the veins of an animal; hence, to become impure or foul by want of motion; as, air stagnates in a close room.

  2. To cease to be brisk or active; to become dull or inactive; as, commerce stagnates; business stagnates.

    Ready-witted tenderness . . . never stagnates in vain lamentations while there is any room for hope.
    --Sir W. Scott.


vb. (present participle of stagnate English)

Usage examples of "stagnating".

Without us, your mighty six billion strong human race would still be a hundred thousand farmers stagnating between the Tigris and Euphrates.

And if help to break their stagnating hold upon Tsuranuanni could not be found here, and these Thuril cho-ja would make no alliance, where would Hokanu seek for resources to end the tyranny the magicians so jealously guarded?