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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Staggeringly \Stag"ger*ing*ly\, adv. In a staggering manner.


adv. 1 (context degree English) To a breathtaking degree. 2 (context manner English) In a staggering way; with a stagger


adv. extremely; "he was enormously popular" [syn: enormously, tremendously, hugely]

Usage examples of "staggeringly".

He wore a robe of some kind of animal hide, and it was decorated with a staggeringly complex design in multihued threads and silks.

The first and second were successfully darted, and we saw the whales staggeringly running off, fettered by the enormous sidelong resistance of the towing drugg.

It was a typical field cage of the type that cadgers wore on their backs during a hunta cumbersome framework that loomed high above the shoulders and that would have been staggeringly heavy on Earth.

The filet of baby dewback with caper sauce and fleik-liver pate was the best Trevagg had ever eaten, and when Nightlity hooned, with modestly downcast eyes, that virgins of her people were only permitted fruits and vegetables, Porcellus outdid himself in the production of four courses of lipana berries and honey, puptons of dried magicots and psibara, a baked felbar with savory cream, and staggeringly good bread pudding for dessert.

He knew from his briefings that their navy swallowed a staggeringly large amount of their gross planetary product.

Pallet loaders, large, small, and staggeringly huge, rolled around the floor, picking up crates and packages from teetering stacks of merchandise.

Bad Dispositions require some time to grow into bad Habits, bad Habits must undermine good, and often-repeated acts make us habitually evil: so that by gradual depravations, and while we are but staggeringly evil, we are not left without Parentheses of considerations, thoughtful rebukes, and merciful interventions, to recall us unto our selves.

But the strength of our salvific power was staggeringly impressive, and I was determined to make certain of the identity of the wizard-or god-who had provided young Amby with the wondrous cloak.

The filet of baby dewback with caper sauce and fleik-liver pate was the best Trevagg had ever eaten, and when Nightlily hooned, with modestly downcast eyes, that virgins of her people were only permitted fruits and vegetables, Porcellus outdid himself in the production of four courses of lipana berries and honey, puptons of dried magicots and psibara, a baked felbar with savory cream, and staggeringly good bread pudding for dessert.

The simulated roast duck was staggeringly authentic, and even the wines could have passed the inspection of all but the most learned enologists on Earth.

The others had an assortment of staggeringly annoying monikers that were impossible to keep straight: Hodge and Podge, Hoi and Paloi, Hither and Thither, Tutti and Fruitti, So On and So Forth, etc.

Crispin was still trying to absorb the fact that the staggeringly opulent pearl necklace he'd seen on Styliane Daleina-the one he'd drawn unwanted attention to-had just been presented to the Empress.

Fassin supposed that it was foolish to expect anything else from a race that was as ancient as the Dwellers claimed to be, who had supposedly explored the galaxy several times over at velocities of only a few per cent of light speed long before the planetary nebula that gave birth to Earth, Jupiter and the Sun had even formed out of the debris of still more antique generations of stars, and who still maintained they felt vaguely restricted not by that absolute limit on the conventional pace of travel but rather by the modest scale of the galaxy that these staggeringly long-ago, almost wilfully leisurely sets of voyages had revealed.

We have seen how staggeringly impressive it is as an accurate data storage device.