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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stager \Sta"ger\ (st[=a]"j[~e]r), n.

  1. A player. [R.]
    --B. Jonson.

  2. One who has long acted on the stage of life; a practitioner; a person of experience, or of skill derived from long experience. ``You will find most of the old stagers still stationary there.''
    --Sir W. Scott.

  3. A horse used in drawing a stage. [Colloq.]


n. 1 An actor on the stage. 2 One who stages a theatrical performance. 3 One who has long acted on the stage of life; a practitioner; a person of experience, or of skill derived from long experience. 4 A horse used in drawing a stage.

  1. n. someone who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge of the stage when the show is being performed [syn: stage manager]

  2. an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service [syn: veteran, old-timer, oldtimer, old hand, warhorse, old stager]


Stager or Stagers may refer to:

Someone who uses style to improve the appeal of real estate for sale.

Usage examples of "stager".

The irrepressible Bloom, who also had a shrewd suspicion that the old stager went out on a manoeuvre after the counterattraction in the shape of a female who however had disappeared to all intents and purposes, could by straining just perceive him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the piers and girders of the Loop line rather out of his depth as of course it was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved.

Now if it was an old stager like me there must be dozens of people who want me out of the way.

The young men said it was because no old stager who knew the way of pulling the wires would come forward and put the club in the proper groove.

As for the old stagers, whom you admire so, their faces were all clogged with powder, the pores stopped up, the true texture of the skin abolished.

There were times--when he was a pet chucked under chin by the elder stagers, favored with a smile from a Cabinet Minister, and now and then blessed with a nod from Mr.

Most of them were old stagers, and strung away in the evening quite tranquilly, while the blacks, always smoking, rode listlessly after.

He had so few of the old stagers left, the men who knew all the angles, who had great experience.

If we have but few young statesmen, it is because the old stagers are so fond of the rattle of their harness.

Baxter - well, he only comes to Sturton once in a blue moon, hardly any Sturton people ever met him and the sort Tresham chums up to at home, the old stagers living round the bay, Mr.

Most of them were old stagers, and strung away in the evening quite tranquilly, while the blacks, always smoking, rode listlessly after.

He had so few of the old stagers left, the men who knew all the angles, who had great experience.

If we have but few young statesmen, it is because the old stagers are so fond of the rattle of their harness.

Hethersett, strolling in at midnight, found the macao-room deserted by all but a collection of persons who figured in his estimation either as prosy old stagers or tippies on the strut.

Simple, I'm an old stager in the West Indies, and I'll let you into a secret.