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n. A yard connecting horses' stables.

Usage examples of "stableyard".

I would have liked more talk with her, but in the middle of the stableyard was not the place for private conversation.

He shouted for an ostler, tied Nosey to a metal ring on the stableyard wall and gave the dog a bowl of water before, carrying his map and weapons, he limped into the silent house.

He yelled through the open stableyard door for three horses to be saddled, two for himself and one for Lieutenant Doggett.

Paulette had come into the stableyard and was leaning against a sun-warmed wall.

Dain rode into the stableyard, to the ragged cheers and shouted greetings of his servants.

Bosquecel, down from the ramparts, came hurrying up to Dain in the stableyard and bowed hastily.

The latter should have remained in the stableyard, but no one appeared to be directing them properly.

I was just about to ask him if there was a Cornovian named Iswy working in the stables when the slender young lad Lord Artos had called Arlo appeared hi the stableyard, breathless from the speed of his run.

He pointed to a high slate roof that could be seen from the stableyard, at the other side of the great hall.

At his imperious gesture, the bellows lad came quickly to his side and was told to go ask Master Glebus at the stableyard to send up the gray.

We now took turns at night as sentries and always had someone in the stableyard to guard the Libyans.

The stableyard was as busy as the castle, with hostlers leading saddled animals out or unsaddled ones in from the fields where extra mounts were kept.

Dodging and weaving, I got to the entrance of the stableyard but could not see Iswy among those bustling about the yard.

Out here, the customary mud and muck of the stableyard was all frozen clean.

Bork said, and pointed at the opposite side of the stableyard to a round building with a cone-shaped roof of slate.