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alt. A person who works in a stable. n. A person who works in a stable.

Usage examples of "stablehand".

Anwyll reported some stablelads and pigkeepers had come and gone, various of the Guard, and their stablehands, the quartermaster and his staff, a freeholder or two, and woodcutters, charcoalers, and the considerable number of chief men over orchards and outlying establishments of all sorts belonging to the ducal lands and to various of the town-dwelling lords, besides a miller with a load of flour and a tanner and various others taking out refuse and coming back.

The short of it is that the innkeeper blamed one of the stablehands for the fire, and claimed she had been in league with two thieves, who had robbed the inn on the night of the fire.

Waiting for a pair of stablehands walking hand in hand to pass, he strode past cars parked on this narrow access road, to his rental car.

And under ordinary circumstances, they would not have been reduced to stablehands either, for there were always grooms around, and boys learning their craft.

A kitchen scullion who displeases a cook is beaten, but informally so is a stablehand who runs afoul of a groom, or a common servant—.

Not that he was much help as a stablehand when he spent so much time mooning over Inessa.

Yolande smoothed a hand down the neck of her mount as stablehands came up to take the reins.