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vb. (alternative spelling of stabilize English)

  1. v. support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace; "brace your elbows while working on the potter's wheel" [syn: brace, steady, stabilize]

  2. become stable or more stable; "The economy stabilized" [syn: stabilize] [ant: destabilize, destabilize]

  3. make stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium; "The drug stabilized her blood pressure"; "stabilize prices" [syn: stabilize] [ant: destabilize, destabilize]

Usage examples of "stabilise".

The leaf of the ledasa plant is very effective in clearing poison from the system, and I have stabilised the colours of his life energy.

The first great revolutionary wave had now ebbed and capitalism had succeeded temporarily in stabilising itself.

If you refuse to do this, you will be able to observe the attempts of your stabilising mechanism - the C Force - to control the destabilising force.

All games have a common purpose: to increase the stabilising force at the expense of the destabilising force.

The stabilising force is not merely a defence system, a means of ‘.

The stabilising force is not merely a defence system, a means of ‘hanging on’ over bumpy obstacles.