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Crossword clues for srl


SRL or S.R.L. may refer to

  • a designation equivalent to limited liability company that may be appended to the end of company names:
    • Società a Responsabilità Limitata (Italian)
    • Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (Spanish)
    • Societate cu Răspundere Limitată (Romanian)
  • Sarcalumenin, human protein that regulates calcium transport
  • Semantic role labeling, a task in natural language processing
  • Shift register lookup table, a component in digital circuitry
  • Student Rugby League, an organisation which administrates university and college rugby competition in the United Kingdom
  • Semiconductor ring laser, a type of laser
  • Statistical relational learning, a subdiscipline of artificial intelligence
  • Survival Research Laboratories, a machine performance art group
  • Self-regulated learning, a psychological concept related to metacognition
  • agus araile (see Irish orthography#Abbreviations)