Srikhanda is a village under Srikhanda Gram Panchayat in Katwa 1 Panchayat samity within Katwa Subdivision in Burdwan district. It is about distance from Katwa and distance from Burdwan.
The villages under Srikhanda Gram Panchayat are Srikhanda, Debkundu, Nahata, Bagtona, Barnagra, Chandrakota, Kadampukur and Ganguly danga.
There is a health centre named "block prathamik shastha kendra" in this village.
In the past Srikhanda Gram Panchayat was under 280 Katwa (Vidhan Sabha constituency) but after Delimitation Commission it is now under 271, Ketugram Vidhansabha constituency and in 41, Bolpur (Lok Sabha constituency) Lok Sabha constituency. The pincode no of Srikhanda is 713150 and std code is (+91) o3453.
There is a Shiva Temple named Shri Shri Bhoothnath jeur Mandir in this village. Prabhu Nityananda Nityananda came from this village. Sri Narahari Sarkar Thakura was born in Srikhanda. The place where Prabhu Narahari was rest is called Bilas kung of Narahari Sarkar or better known as Baradanga where Sri Locana dasa Thakura the dear disciple of Sri Narahari Sarkar wrote his book Chaitanya Mangala.Srikhanda Thakurbari where three temple of lord krishna situated in the middle of the village. The villagers of the Srikhanda called 'Khandabasi'.