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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Squint \Squint\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Squinted; p. pr. & vb. n. Squinting.]

  1. To see or look obliquely, asquint, or awry, or with a furtive glance.

    Some can squint when they will.

  2. (Med.) To have the axes of the eyes not coincident; to be cross-eyed.

  3. To deviate from a true line; to run obliquely.

  4. To have an indirect bearing, reference, or implication; to have an allusion to, or inclination towards, something.

    Yet if the following sentence means anything, it is a squinting toward hypnotism.
    --The Forum.

  5. To look with the eyes partly closed.


vb. (en-past of: squint)

Usage examples of "squinted".

Leaning against the gray sports car, I shaded my eyes and squinted up at its aged and architecturally beautiful columns and fluted sills.

Jenks flitted to the table as she squinted, alighting on the saltshaker.

Walter stood by the wide window, light spilling in over him and his paper as he squinted at it.

Smiling, he squinted in the haze and crossed the parking lot, two amulets about his neck and a red baseball cap on his head.

I turned the smoked bottle over in my hand and squinted at the liquid.

She squinted against the glow of the fire, then pointed with her serving spoon.

Something seemed oddly wrong, though, and I squinted, trying to make it out.

A cold shadow fell over him, and he squinted up to see the silhouette of his father-in-law, stooping to grab the handle of the bucket.

Morton squinted at me, and scratched thoughtfully beneath one massive breast, leaving the fabric of her shirt pasted damply to her flesh.

Jamie squinted against the spray of dust and fine gravel that blasted us, setting his teeth in discomfort.

She squinted, as though trying to place me, but evidently failed, for she shrugged away the effort.

Martin squinted at herself in her looking glass, putting out her tongue and surveying it critically.

Amos Crupp squinted at the page laid out in the bed of the press, reading it backward with the ease of long experience.

He held out his hand and squinted at the space between his thumb and forefinger.

He watched Icarium lay out six long, stone-tipped arrows, then squinted out into the darkness.