n. 1 (context slang English) An honest person; a non-criminal. 2 (context slang English) A foreigner of Germanic origin, especially a Scandinavian person.
Squarehead is a garage pop band based in Dublin, Ireland. It currently consists of lead singer / guitarist Roy Duffy, bassist Ian McFarlane and Ruan Van Vliet on drums.
Usage examples of "squarehead".
Scraggs and The Squarehead partook first of the ham and eggs, coffee and bread which the skipper prepared.
The Squarehead, who had been enjoying the unique situation immensely, decided to take a hand.
When the hawsers commence to lift out of the sea, The Squarehead gave a warning shout, whereupon Mr.
When The Squarehead came into the pilot house presently and grinned at him, Mr.
Gibney was at the winch, swinging ashore the crates of vegetables which The Squarehead and three longshoremen loaded into the cargo net.
Captain Scraggs accompanied by the new navigating officer, the new engineer, and The Squarehead, came aft.
The Squarehead hung back having no intention of waging war upon his late comrades, but the engineer and the new navigating officer stepped briskly forward, for they were about to fight for their jobs.
The artful fellow realized that Scraggs knew nothing whatever about a sailing ship and would have to depend upon The Squarehead for the information he required.
Half way there, the weight of the cable dragging behind slowed The Squarehead up and eventually stopped him.
Get it and bet it that I lay this squarehead within three more rounds.
When Providence is directing the Handouts, she very often slips some Squarehead the canny Gift of corralling the Cush, but holds out all of the desirable Attributes supposed to distinguish Man from what you see in the Cages at the Zoo.
Paolo said the squareheads sailed west looking for beer, and Dad said the dagos sailed west looking for poontang.
Then, with a mighty kick of his flukes, the Squarehead jackknifed upwards.