Crossword clues for squadrons
n. (plural of squadron English)
Usage examples of "squadrons".
The tactical display showed the New Republic Star Destroyers decelerating alongside the escape corridor in staggered positions, each retaining an escort of a single frigate and two squadrons of short-range starfighters.
It was their job to make sure that people who were going to the squadrons were the best that they could provide.
We were starting to get a relationship, we were starting to talk about squadrons and things in general.
The squadrons were all over the place, doing ten things at once, little gangs here, little gangs there, and the only one who had any continuity was the clerk, always there with the HQ element of the squadron.
Within the squadrons there were horrendous stories of people going into spins, especially with heavy kits.
We jumped together and landed together, and that was us qualified as free fallers-until we got to the squadrons and had to retrain completely with square rigs.
Wherever there was a camera, said everybody else in the squadrons, the Air Troop would be posing in front of it-usually with shades and a deep tan.
It all went back to the way people looked at the squadrons, and B Squadron was definitely seen as the yee-hah party squadron.
Wreaths were laid by all the different squadrons, and all the different departments and organizations that were in and around supporting the Regiment.
There was one particular crowd that came from all squadrons, called the Grouse-beaters-all the Highland jocks who used to get together and go downtown and drink.
Also at dawn, he divided his personal command, sending the four reserve squadrons back to the trade road in company with the mule-and-pony train of booty, the dozen or so wounded Freefighters and most of the supply train.
The carrier would have at least two hundred coralskippers, and the five largest vessels would have their own squadrons, as well.
Accompanied by a cruiser and two frigates each, both ships were bleeding squadrons of XJ3 X-wings and Series 4 E-wings into space.
With eight New Republic starfighter squadrons, two cruisers, and a pair of frigates close behind him, Luke carried the battle to the enemy and called for long-range fire support.
The Jedi squadrons continued forward, relying on flying ability, danger sense, and shield weaving to twine their way through the fiery mesh.