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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

kind of ice cream dessert, 1929, from Italian spumone (singular), spumoni (plural), from spuma "foam" (see spume).


n. (context US English) An Italian style of ice cream dessert made with layers of different colors and flavors (typically cherry, pistachio, and vanilla or chocolate) and usually containing candied fruits and nuts.


See spumone


Spumone (from spuma or "foam"), plural spumoni, is a molded Italian ice cream made with layers of different colors and flavors, usually containing candied fruits and nuts.

Typically, it is of three flavors, with a fruit/nut layer between them. The ice cream layers are often mixed with whipped cream. Cherry, pistachio, and either chocolate or vanilla are the typical flavors of the ice cream layers, and the fruit/nut layer often contains cherry bits—causing the traditional red/pink, green, and brown color combination. It is popular in places with large Italian immigrant populations such as the United States and Argentina. August 21 is National Spumoni Day in the United States. November 13 is National Spumoni Day in Canada.

Usage examples of "spumoni".

It was ironic, considering the fact that all the other men in the Spumoni family weighed over three hundred pounds and rarely broke a sweat.

At six foot two, 140 pounds, Nunzio was the skinniest Spumoni in Napoli, yet he perspired like a man three times his size.

As his cousin smeared sweat with his hankie, the younger Spumoni sat at attention.

Deferens extended an arm, ushering Piceno Spumoni from the napkin-covered table.

He and a criminal called Spumoni are even now plotting an evil unknown to Mandobar.

Nunzio Spumoni picked his careful way along the catwalk, his thoughts were far from the political upheaval that had transformed East Africa.

Giovani and Nunzio Spumoni had endured the endless interruptions of the Seasonings for the entire ride from Bachsburg.

Grateful for the relative silence of the pounding rotor blades, Nunzio Spumoni escorted the Don to the former first lady and ex-wife of Willie Mandobar.

Nunzio Spumoni strained to hear, the first sounds of argument carried to his ears.

But as the clock crawled closer to the midnight deadline, the Camorra men assigned by Nunzio Spumoni to keep watch for the defense minister had bolted.

Italian place on Third near La Brea, an old-fashioned chianti-bottles-dangling-from-the ceiling taverna, ordered veal marsala and spaghetti with clams and slices of spumoni for dessert.

By the time the spumoni ice cream disappeared, Jenny and Butch Dixon had become friends.

The candles and spumoni part held up, and I caught a break on the waiter.

Between the shirt and her hair, which was still dyed to resemble spumoni ice cream, she was a veritable rainbow of color.

And tremendous amounts of Chianti, Soave Bolla, espresso coffee, cannoli, and spumoni between meals.