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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
springy curls
▪ Instinctively, I took off my shoes and felt the springy grass beneath my bare feet.
▪ The grass was springy and fresh-smelling.
▪ The stag was now at full gallop on the springy turf.
▪ Bake for about 35 minutes or until the center is springy and a toothpick comes out clean.
▪ Billy's short legs kept getting tangled in the heather, so he bounced along like a kangaroo through the springy tufts.
▪ Cicely has a springy, edgy way of moving, half way between a frightened deer and a 440 hurdler.
▪ Constant bouncing of the feet, through springy legs, is the essential rhythm of powder skiing.
▪ Helen and Mona and Callie bobbed on the springy front seat with Ralph.
▪ It was like a rug, that grass was, so springy and silky and deep.
▪ Marriner will ensure that the words are clearly heard, the instrumental parts all count and that the rhythms are springy.
▪ Some artists prefer the springy sensitivity of an open canvas whilst others prefer the hardness or smoothness of a board.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Springy \Spring"y\ (-[y^]), a. [Compar. Springier (-[i^]*[~e]r); superl. Springiest.] [From Spring.]

  1. Resembling, having the qualities of, or pertaining to, a spring; elastic; as, springy steel; a springy step.

    Though her little frame was slight, it was firm and springy.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  2. Abounding with springs or fountains; wet; spongy; as, springy land.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"elastic," 1650s, from spring (v.) + -y (2). Related: Springiness.


a. That returns rapidly to its original form (as a spring does) after being bent, compressed, stretched, etc.

  1. adj. rebounds readily; "clean bouncy hair"; "a lively tennis ball"; "as resiliant as seasoned hickory"; "springy turf" [syn: bouncy, live, lively, resilient, whippy]

  2. [also: springiest, springier]

Usage examples of "springy".

More branchlets over a pile of big leaves made a springy floor, giving them more comfort tonight than they had enjoyed since the accident.

He looked so young, almost springy, thought Minks, as he obeyed decorously, feeling flattered and pleased, yet at the same time uneasy a little.

The overhair was long and silky, while the undercoat felt thick and springy.

Venus, now twisting and pulling her hairs, now gently compressing the soft springy flesh between thumb and forefinger, now passing along the delicate shell-pink lips and finally gently inserting a finger between them and into the pouting orifice.

There was always the silence, vast and brooding, broken only by the sound of his passage, of his footsteps on the springy undermass of needles and leaves and rotten vines.

The moors stretched away under the racing clouds, hummocky and drenched, grown over with dense stands of waist-high bracken and purple islands of springy headier, slashed with fast-running peaty streams and dotted with stands of windblasted juniper and cypress and bright green domes of bog moss.

Together they produced a child named Hisser, of indeterminate sex, whom they tried so very desperately to love, but who was, in fact, a hideous mutant with six legs, four arms, sucker pads on its hands and feet, a mouth half as big as its misshapen head, blazing red eyes, and an adorable mass of springy blond curls that once made Shirley Temple weep bitterly with envy.

When she rolled, her kinesthetic sense detected subtle motions and corresponding recoil in several planes, as though the prison in which she lay was riding on a springy suspension.

He closed the door behind him, to shut off the censorious eyes of Kinnikinick, and kissed her profoundly, holding her small frail figure close to him, conscious of her fine springy back.

He was afraid, but he could not shut out the richness of the world around him, the springy feel of the leafmold under his feet.

But the springy arch of her ribs rose and fell and rose again, roundly reassuring.

The tangle of curls at its base felt like a springy cushion and cradled the softest, most vulnerable part of him.

His walk was springier, and surely his rusty hair glowed now like a candle flame.

This was springier than he had thought, for he found himself on his feet looking sternly down at her.

The pain was gone: he felt lighter, springier, as if mind as well as muscle had broken free of the restraints that living placed on them.