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adv. in a springy manner

Usage examples of "springily".

The plastic bent springily in his strong fingers, easing out of its socket.

Abkhasian Russians, who are said to go on, springily, for a century and a half.

They walked springily, narrow-eyed, fingers hooked about the triggers of their weapons.

He stepped around Gorjon and went towards her, walking springily on the balls of his feet.

It domed springily over our dreg-bottomed coffee cups, revealing in the hidden space behind it the limp multicolored spaghetti of the utilities piping: gas, water, metered syntho-milk, sewage, coaxed TV, med-mist, Musik, robo-talk, robo-juice, tele, vele, elec, gelec, and such.

He was holding the mare in till the time came to speed her, and the mare was springily jolting over the snow, looking intelligently from side to side, and cocking this ear and that, while from her nostrils, her head tossing easily, she blew quick, irregular whiffs of steam.

He strode half a dozen steps down the road, springily, giving his body a chance to express what his mind felt.

She moved her feet, and the flowers she had stood upon coiled springily upright.

Platzek as he was called, for he was the most successful trainer of recruits in the whole regiment, came striding springily down the corridor.

She stepped springily on to the verandah, and, pushing open the drawing-room door, entered.

He bounced springily up and down on his toes once or twice, then moved to the table where the radio stood.

Across the arena the crowd-sound changed in note as Dominic landed springily and walked forward.

The little chief of police came in springily, with his hat on the back of his head and his hands in the pockets of a thin dank overcoat.