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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sporocyst \Spo"ro*cyst\ (-s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ? seed + ? bladder.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) An asexual zooid, usually forming one of a series of larval forms in the agamic reproduction of various trematodes and other parasitic worms. The sporocyst generally develops from an egg, but in its turn produces other larv[ae] by internal budding, or by the subdivision of a part or all of its contents into a number of minute germs. See Redia.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Any protozoan when it becomes encysted and produces germs by sporulation.


n. 1 (context biology English) A cyst that develops from a sporoblast and from which sporozoites develop 2 A larval stage in many trematode worms


Sporocyst can refer to:

  • A structure in Ascosphaera fungi
  • A lifecycle stage in two unrelated groups of species:
    • Apicomplexa parasites: see Apicomplexa lifecycle stages
    • Trematode flatworms: see Trematode lifecycle stages