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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Splendrous \Splen"drous\, Splendorous \Splen"dor*ous\, a. Splendid.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from splendor + -ous. Related: Splendorously; splendorousness.


a. splendid, having splendor.

Usage examples of "splendorous".

Passing behind splendorous, townhouse-size lounges that had been airlifted in, they came to a service area cluttered with waiting piles of food, beverages, catering supplies, and tech-support equipment.

Even the common newt is more genetically splendorous than we are, by a factor of five.

And winn again, blaguadargoos, or lues the day, plays goat, the banshee pealer, if moskats knows whoss whizz, the great day and the druidful day come San Patrisky and the grand day, the excellent fine splendorous long agreeable toastworthy cylindrical day, go Sixt of the Ninth, the heptahundread annam dammias that Hajizfijjiz ells me is and will and was be till the timelag is in it that's told in the Bok of Alam to columnkill all the prefacies of Erin gone brugk.