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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spiritualize \Spir"it*u*al*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Spiritualized; p. pr. & vb. n. Spiritualizing.] [Cf. F. spiritualiser.]

  1. To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize soul.

    This seen in the clear air, and the whole spiritualized by endless recollections, fills the eye and the heart more forcibly than I can find words to say.

  2. To give a spiritual meaning to; to take in a spiritual sense; -- opposed to literalize.

  3. (Old Chem.) To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit.


vb. (en-past of: spiritualize)


Spiritualized are an English space rock band formed in 1990 in Rugby, Warwickshire by Jason Pierce (often known as J. Spaceman), formerly of Spacemen 3. The membership of Spiritualized has changed from album to album, with Pierce—who writes, composes and sings all of the band's material—being the only constant member.

Spiritualized have released seven studio albums. The best known and most critically acclaimed of these is perhaps 1997's Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space, which NME magazine named as their Album of the Year.

Usage examples of "spiritualized".

By his influence their ideas were slowly and with great difficulty spiritualized and made to approach his own in some degree.

But that Jesus himself modified and spiritualized the meaning of the phrase when he employed it, even as he did the other contemporaneous language descriptive of the Messianic offices and times, we conclude for two reasons.

Before advancing another step, it is necessary only to premise that some of the Jews appear to have expected that the souls on rising from the under world would be clothed with new, spiritualized, incorruptible bodies, others plainly expected that the identical bodies they formerly wore would be literally restored.

Instead of spirit being materialized, matter is spiritualized and nature transfigured into the ideal home of ideal entities.

America, there was only a very weak link with the sublime Western Gothic traditions of the spiritualized meaning of life, but under the Culture-distorting regime since 1933, America has been completely disenchanted.

Even the innocuous nightingales were moralized, spiritualized, turned into citizens and anglicans -- and along with the nightingales, the whole of animate and inanimate Nature.

She spiritualized everything, and I wondered if she had always been like this or if she had learned it from her deceased husband, whom I had met in Canada and remembered as an ethereal person.