Spirito is the sixth studio album from Italian rock band Litfiba. It is the third chapter of the "Tetralogy of elements". It is dedicated to air.
Usage examples of "spirito".
The advocate had told me that he was going to Rome on some ecclesiastical business, and that he intended to reside in the house of his mother-in-law, whom his wife had not seen since her marriage, two years ago, and her sister hoped to remain in Rome, where she expected to marry a clerk at the Spirito Santo Bank.
I know a wonderful little osteria in Piazza Santo Spirito, where there is also a curious fountain I believe might be of interest to our investigation.
Via Santo Spirito and paused just before the entrance to Coverelli, flattening himself against the ancient sgraffito facade of some long-forgotten palace.
He assigned Michelangelo a drawing desk on the portico between seventeen-year-old Torrigiani and twenty-nine-year old Andrea Sansovino, who had been apprenticed to Antonio Pollaiuolo and whose commissioned work was to be seen in Santo Spirito.
The advocate had told me that he was going to Rome on some ecclesiastical business, and that he intended to reside in the house of his mother-in-law, whom his wife had not seen since her marriage, two years ago, and her sister hoped to remain in Rome, where she expected to marry a clerk at the Spirito Santo Bank.
They turned into the Borgo San Spirito, and then went by the quiet Longara.
No, no, Senhor inglese,» concluse, «io vi porterò laggiù per spirito di carità, le vostre cose serviranno per il vostro sostentamento e per pagarvi il viaggio di ritorno in patria.
Dick McGuire non era un uomo forte né di spirito né di fisico e le sue credenze religiose non gli erano minimamente di appoggio in una questione come quella, che lo costringeva a schierarsi con i non mormoni contro la ragazza.
Devo poi ammettere, e ne sono sinceramente addolorato, che il sommovimento del mio spirito esercitava un'influenza negativa anche sui miei pensieri religiosi, perché la paura incessante di cadere nelle mani di selvaggi e cannibali opprimeva a tal punto il mio animo, che raramente mi trovavo nella miglior disposizione spirituale per rivolgermi al mio Creatore, quanto meno in quella calma e in quel sereno abbandono al quale ero assuefatto.
Se avesse avuto più presenza di spirito avrebbe notato una sommessa ma innegabile agitazione che si diffondeva fra le anime sospese nell'etere della Quiddità.
Know that I dote on Corsairs, and for that reason, sing it 'con spirito.
Bartolommeo was a shy and retiring man whose modest house on the Piazza Santo Spirito had a draper's shop on the ground floor.
C'erano evidentemente gerarchie anche per i defunti e Tommy-Ray era uno spirito troppo elevato per molti di loro, la sua ambizione era troppo grande, i suoi appetiti troppo depravati.
John and Two Saints in Santo Spirito, or to catch the sunset glow on the sculptured figures on the Campanile, designed by Giotto and executed by his pupil, Andrea Pisano, Torrigiani slipped his arm through Michelangelo's, wooed him, kept him a captive though enchanted audience.