The Collaborative International Dictionary
Spinous \Spi"nous\, a.
Spinose; thorny.
Having the form of a spine or thorn; spinelike.
Spinous process of a vertebra (Anat.), the dorsal process of the neural arch of a vertebra; a neurapophysis.
a. 1 Having many spines. 2 Spine-like; spiny. 3 Of a person, difficult to deal with, prickly. 4 Of a subject, providing many difficulties, thorny. 5 (lb en anatomy) Having a sharp projection.
Usage examples of "spinous".
The ball entered the abdomen two inches above the crest of the right ilium, a little to the rear of the anterior superior spinous process, and took a downward and forward course.
The horn entered at the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, involving the parietes and the uterus.
Small decorated paint pot with spinous protuberances to facilitate handling.
Three small paint pots with spinous protuberances to facilitate handling.
By seizing the spinous process it could be bent backward and forward, with the peculiar crepitus of fractured bone.
Tenderness and hyperesthesia over the spinous processes of the 4th, 5th, and 6th cervical vertebrae led to the application of the thermocautery, which, in conjunction with the administration of ergot and bromide, was attended with marked benefit, though not by complete cure.
The bullet fractured the spinous process and the pedicles and lodged in the vertebral body.