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Usage examples of "spinning-wheel".

Thus while the busy dame bustled about the house or plied her spinning-wheel at one end of the piazza, honest Balt would sit smoking his evening pipe at the other, watching the achievements of a little wooden warrior who, armed with a sword in each hand, was most valiantly fighting the wind on the pinnacle of the barn.

Yes, I know that India lost her independence even when there was the Charkha, the spinning-wheel.

Patches of snow gleamed on the misty heights of Helvellyn, and the autumn winds howled and shrieked around Fellside in the evenings, when all the shutters were shut, and the outside world seemed little more than an idea: that mystic hour when the sheep are slumbering under the starry sky, and when, as the Westmoreland peasant believes, the fairies help the housewife at her spinning-wheel.

And of all the heirlooms of the earlier times in Yankeeland, what household memorial is clustered round about with more sacred and touching associations than the spinning-wheel!

And the more she is the cow and spinning-wheel paradise imagined by Mr Fielden, the more this is true.

This time the old woman told her to go the next full moon to the mill-pond, and to spin there with a golden spinning wheel, and then to leave the spinning-wheel on the bank.