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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
spiky (=stiff and standing up on top of your head)
▪ Billy had black spiky hair.
▪ Then the figure flung its hands away from its face and began to prance wildly, waving its fists above its spiky hair.
▪ Captain Trung had come up, helmet in one hand, rubbing his spiky hair with the other.
▪ He has his spiky hair, strong opinions and wacky humour.
▪ We followed the drawings of the little prince with his simple round face and spiky hair, standing on his asteroid world.
▪ They wore pastel pink sundresses, and I wore dark clothes and had spiky hair.
▪ Her spiky hair scratches down my front.
▪ They wore black, with make-up, spiky hair, and eerie cheap jewellery.
▪ a spiky cactus plant
▪ He had a leather jacket and short, spiky hair.
▪ Some corals are quite smooth, others are sharp and spiky.
▪ Captain Trung had come up, helmet in one hand, rubbing his spiky hair with the other.
▪ His hair was dyed black now, and it was spiky.
▪ I could feel things, pieces of metal, sharp spiky things, nothing living.
▪ She wears white spiky heels and has a tiny white beret balanced asymmetrically on the side of her head.
▪ Their creamy white bodies are covered with spiky white ice crystals.
▪ Then the figure flung its hands away from its face and began to prance wildly, waving its fists above its spiky hair.
▪ We followed the drawings of the little prince with his simple round face and spiky hair, standing on his asteroid world.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spiky \Spik"y\, a.

  1. Like a spike; spikelike.

    These spiky, vivid outbursts of metallic vapors.
    --C. A. Young.

  2. Having a sharp point, or sharp points; furnished or armed with spikes.

    Or by the spiky harrow cleared away.

    The spiky wheels through heaps of carnage tore.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1720, from spike (n.1) + -y (2). Related: Spikiness.


a. Having spikes, spiny.

  1. adj. having or as if having especially high-pitched spots; "absence of peaky highs and beefed-up bass" [syn: peaky]

  2. [also: spikiest, spikier]

Usage examples of "spiky".

There were spiky trees with gnarled branches and clumps of needlelike leaves, like bristlecone pines.

Then they noticed that the ground was becoming firmer as it sloped gently upward, and that the spiky swamp grass was giving way to the coarse marram grass that grew on sandy soil.

This time it is more intensely recursive than most, and I see it in my mind as stacks of fractal growth, forming a spiky sphere.

A revolting sansevieria plant occupied the sill with its stiff spiky clump.

It shifted its contours, shrank, and became a spiky sort of scalene pyramid, deep-purple in hue.

It shifted its contours, shrank, and became a spiky sort of scalene pyramid, deep purple in hue.

The spotlight beam flickered palely over the low scrubby bushes and outlined the flat spiky plates of the prickly pears, but in the shifting uneven shadows that they threw, I reckoned I must be just another clump.

Fortunately, it had no spiky speleothems hanging from its low ceiling.

The soft spines which covered the body of the ancestral star-fish often developed into a kind of spiky fur.

Angelique raised a teary gaze to Brett, like twin pansies with crystal drops clinging to spiky lashes.

A sudden light from the Avery bedroom projects a long yellow trapezoid over the spiky grass.

She was certainly no beauty, but Adele had seen her spiky drive make an impression in gatherings of other women who were better looking in a merely physical sense.

Stealthily, Brooks unlatched the door handle and he and Rollins executed paratrooper drops onto the spiky grass.

His hair had grown into a wild tangle and his beard was spiky with frost, but Charlton knew at once who it was.

It was only when he glanced down and saw wet, spiky lashes and the tears on the curves of her cheeks that he knew otherwise.