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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sphygmometer \Sphyg*mom"e*ter\, n. [Gr. ???? pulse + -meter.] (Physiol.) An instrument for measuring the strength of the pulse beat; a sphygmograph.


n. A sphygmomanometer

Usage examples of "sphygmometer".

Thermometers, dynamometers, exploring-tubes, little mirrors that went half-way down to my stomach, tuning-forks, ophthalmoscopes, percussion-hammers, single and double stethoscopes, speculums, sphygmometers,--such a battery of detective instruments I had never imagined.

Hallion, the pneumograph of Marey, the sphygmometer of Cheron, and so many others which have come in fashion during these latter years, we have succeeded in proving experimentally that joy, sadness, and pain depend upon our energy.

Thermometers, drugs, sphygmometers, the whole paraphernalia came back into sight and with them the resident physician.