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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spermatorrhea \Sper`ma*tor*rhe"a\, Spermatorrhoea \Sper`ma*tor*rh[oe]"a\,, n. [NL., fr. Gr. spe`rma, -atos, seed + ??? to flow.] (Med.) Abnormally frequent involuntary emission of the semen without copulation.


n. (context medicine English) Abnormal emission of the semen without copulation.


n. (alternative form of spermatorrhea English)

Usage examples of "spermatorrhoea".

The conditions in which bromides are most frequently used are insomnia, epilepsy, whooping-cough, delirium tremens, asthma, migraine, laryngismus stridulus, the symptoms often attendant upon the climacteric in women, hysteria, neuralgia, certain nervous disorders of the heart, strychnine poisoning, nymphomania and spermatorrhoea.