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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spectrograph \Spec"tro*graph\, n. [Spectrum + graph.] (Physics)

  1. An apparatus for photographing or mapping a spectrum.

  2. A photograph or picture of a spectrum. -- Spec`tro*graph"ic, a. -- Spec`tro*graph"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Spec*trog"ra*phy, n.


a. Of or pertaining to spectrography or spectrographs.


adj. relating to or employing a spectrograph

Usage examples of "spectrographic".

FBI and AEC are equipped with such computerlike memories that they could understand and evaluate the results of the spectrographic and NAA testing without tabulating or recording literally thousands of multi-digit figures.

This conclusive evidence is the spectrographic comparison made between the metallic compositions of the projectiles found outside of the victims and the bits of metal removed from the wounds themselves.

In spectrographic analysis, a test substance is irradiated so that all of the elements composing it emit a distinct spectrum.

All of the specimens-- including those removed from the President and the Governor--were subjected to spectrographic analysis.

Commission sought virtually no testimony relevant to the spectrographic analysis.

At this time, he was not asked a single question relating to the spectrographic analyses.

Frazier specified as the results of the spectrographic analyses, it becomes apparent that his testimony, if true, is meaningless and incomplete.

However, because Frazier was not a spectrographic expert and because the actual report of these tests is not available, his interpretation of the test results is worthless.

One is reasonably led to believe that the spectrographic analyses proved the opposite of what the Commission asserted.

Weisberg, the first researcher to recognize the significance of the spectrographic tests and their omission from the record, has fought and continues to fight for access to the report detailing these tests.

Hoover five months earlier, on May 23, 1966, asking for access to the spectrographic analysis of the bullet allegedly used in the assassination and the various bullet fragments, clearly the most basic evidence, but not in the printed evidence.

Bernard Fensterwald, requested that his client be furnished with the spectrographic analyses in a letter to Justice Department lawyer Joseph Cella, dated October 9, 1969.

Shona stopped for a moment to stare at the spectrographic computer, which was eight years newer and several grades of quality above the one she had in her own small lab.

Better yet, get a second opinion, another spectrographic analysis, preferably done by someone else.

An astrophysics satellite attached to one of the computerborgoids of the fleet obtained spectrographic readings on an atypical binary system some three hundred light-years distant from the Ophiuchus clouds which revealed at least one attendant planet supporting Earth-like conditions.