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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Speckle \Spec"kle\, n. [Dim. of speck; cf. D. spikkel.] A little or spot in or anything, of a different substance or color from that of the thing itself.

An huge great serpent, all with speckles pied.


Speckle \Spec"kle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Speckled; p. pr. & vb. n. Speckling.] To mark with small spots of a different color from that of the rest of the surface; to variegate with spots of a different color from the ground or surface.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c. (implied in speckled), probably related to Old English specca "small spot, speck" (see speck) or from a related Middle Dutch or Middle High German word. Related: Speckled; speckling. The noun is first attested mid-15c.


n. 1 A small spot or speck on the skin, plumage or foliage. 2 (context physics English) The random distribution of light when it is scattered by a rough surface. vb. To mark with #Noun.


n. a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red" [syn: spot, dapple, patch, fleck, maculation]

  1. v. produce a mottled effect; "The sunlight stippled the trees" [syn: stipple]

  2. mark with small spots; "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots" [syn: bespeckle]


__NOTOC__ A speckle is a small spot or speck on the skin, plumage or foliage.

Speckle, speckles or speckled may also refer to:

Usage examples of "speckle".

Wood snapped, glass exploded and Barnacle, speckled with splinters, billowed through yellow velvet and out into the late afternoon!

In short, Speckle Frew is less an island than it is a bestiary, and it is not to be trespassed lightly.

As soon as she had passed, Bloodhound altered course and cruised slowly over the area of water that was still rainbowed by floating oil and speckled with wreckage.

The lizard is speckled with orange-red and yellow blotches, so perfectly camouflaged it is like picking a face out in a picture puzzle to see him.

Her skin was speckled with color: pale brown maculae, patches of rose and white, knotty blue veins, crusty places where healing cuts formed fiery lines of red.

Follingston-Heath adjusted his monocle and leaned back against a speckled black and gray monolith.

Faint phosphene speckles swam through the eddies and peaks, weaving in and out of the thicker ammonia-laden braids, their light ebbing and kindling in hesitant patterns.

A shaft of sun from between the willow branches pierced a pool below her and she could see a long, speckled trout resting in its warmth and puffs of sediment as a powter moved along the sludge of the river bottom.

A stream of juice drips over metal fingers, spattering the speckled white tile floor.

The man, whose name was Carl Speckler, picked up the paper, scanning the words.

Skulking through the fog, Speckler skirted the trailers and made his way along the street.

On the way out, in his haste to exit the trailer park and avoid Deputy Hudson, Speckler crashed over every speed bump.

When Carl Speckler reached his apartment, he bolted his door and left the light off for fifteen minutes.

Sitting across from Carl Speckler -- whose attention was glued to the open notebook in his hand -- at the pier cafe located at the end of Main Street, the sheriff stuck a fry into his mouth and tried not to think about the headache brewing in his temples.

Hudson was up to something worse than either he or Speckler had previously suspected.