▪ Thus our review of literature must now address those studies specifically concerned with the evaluation of effectiveness in community work.
▪ None of these applications is specifically concerned with text recognition.
▪ It is advised by an academic committee specifically concerned with the structure and balance of the lecture course.
▪ Many different community-based initiatives are emerging in response to these circumstances, some of them specifically concerned with the local environment.
▪ What happened to the Warnock recommendations for each teacher-training institution to have a small team of staff specifically concerned with this area?
▪ The professional press, on the other hand, was specifically concerned with the question.
▪ A separate question specifically addressing the knowledge elements of the projects was also developed.
▪ The author did not specifically address polio, but clearly his ideas apply.
▪ And why is it that not one of the seven demands of the women's movement specifically addresses questions of housing?
▪ Manny said, in a single exhalation, loud enough to be heard but not specifically addressed to anyone.
▪ Now is the time to look at how some theories specifically address the question of development within the global system.
▪ None of the potential gubernatorial candidates has specifically addressed what are bound to be the significant costs of their anti- crime proposals.
▪ It needs to know this for billing, mail, for rationing access, and various other functions that specifically address you.
▪ The idea of building a pool has not been specifically addressed in any legal agreements between the team and the district.
▪ Clearly, though, future Budgets may well include measures specifically aimed at expatriates.
▪ White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
▪ It is aimed specifically at parents, teachers and carers.
▪ The Presario 6000 line is similar to the 4000 series but is aimed specifically at home businesses.
▪ If he were aimed specifically at the race another time he would probably go very close.
▪ Skittles is specifically aimed at parents with the intended point of sale being the school.
▪ Many adverts are specifically aimed at women, supposedly because they do most of the shopping.
▪ An old-fashioned paper book for Ben - one he had specifically asked for - on sensory deprivation.
▪ The first lady had specifically asked to speak at Glide, which is known for its social activism, church officials said.
▪ The customer has specifically asked me to provide some additional data for our next meeting.
▪ Jack had specifically asked his secret agent to confine himself to a couple of current photographs and Polly's address.
▪ But do not include it unless it is specifically asked for.
▪ Unless your handwriting is illegible, or the form specifically asks for typewriting, the form should be neatly handwritten.
▪ Mr. Brooke I was asked specifically about tourism in Northern Ireland.
▪ The book was at last to deal specifically with Wagner.
▪ In Brown v. Board of Education, which dealt specifically with elementary education, the Court took the final logical step.
▪ The same approach was extended by both Patterson and Flory to deal specifically with polymer systems.
▪ It is her first one not published in January, and the first to deal specifically with the bikini in mind.
▪ It is better if you attend a course which specifically deals with self-defence.
▪ Also, what books can I buy which deal specifically with Goldfish and Carp.
▪ But we have no law dealing specifically with such documents.
▪ The defendants sought an order under a United States statutory provision dealing specifically with assistance to litigants in foreign courts.
▪ Where discovery methods were applied in schools which had been designed specifically for child-centred learning, the change was even more apparent.
▪ But there is growing interest in helmets designed specifically with skating in mind.
▪ Brüning's policies appeared to be specifically designed to work to the political advantage of the National Socialists.
▪ If we are exposed to a measles virus, the immune system will develop antibodies specifically designed to attack measles viruses.
▪ The awards, which have been designed specifically to commend excellence within newspaper publishing, were organised by Newspaper Focus magazine.
▪ The review would provide the understanding required to determine the features needed in an architectural model designed specifically for electronic commerce.
▪ Some news clients are designed specifically to search for images in newsgroups and download them-AutoPix, for example.
▪ One of the most interesting applications designed specifically for the PowerBook involved... reading.
▪ But the menace isn't personal, isn't directed specifically against me.
▪ However, it was not directed specifically at him but at an entrenched system.
▪ In addition to this, some marketing is directed specifically at creating or changing people's wants. 4.
▪ The exercises were specifically directed to obtaining this effect.
▪ Money held for business purposes is specifically excluded under all policies.
▪ It has written its growth management plan to specifically exclude residential development around Lego Park.
▪ The Act specifically excludes from its ambience cheques, safe-deposit books, membership certificates of co-operatives, and bills of exchange.
▪ Many policies specifically exclude rehabilitative or convalescent care.
▪ Such arrangements are specifically excluded from education and the social services.
▪ Because of this, authorities have found it hard to justify expenditure on services geared specifically to the needs of young women.
▪ But he was right about one thing, she says: There were no guide books specifically geared to female computer users.
▪ The pop music and fashion industries were geared specifically towards the young and magazines flourished in order to promote these trends.
▪ Others have programs geared specifically toward helping boys avoid dropping out of school.
▪ Others were with the resource specialist working on literacy materials geared specifically to their varying reading levels.
▪ From the outset we were aware of the lack of material looking specifically at Black women's experiences of domestic violence.
▪ I'd like him to look specifically at Personnel's computing problems among other things. 3.
▪ Few studies have looked specifically at the elderly.
▪ Indeed, we ourselves often have difficulty in finding new examples for our corpus, unless we are specifically looking for them.
▪ As before, the Teesside end of the research will look specifically at Grangetown and South Bank.
▪ Development training was specifically mentioned by fewer respondents than in the county libraries.
▪ Family relationships were also felt to suffer, with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their caring role.
▪ She specifically mentioned the victims of the Gulf War which had just broken out when the meeting started.
▪ However, a question mark continued to hang over Kaliningrad, which was not specifically mentioned in the agreement.
▪ At that point, there was no question of intent; a low dam was specifically mentioned in the appropriation.
▪ He has specifically mentioned selling a stake in the road.
▪ Sometimes, other officials said, Wood did specifically mention campaign contributions.
▪ Some state laws specifically provide that tenured teachers can be dismissed for economic reasons.
▪ Further, the Fugitive Slave Act specifically provided for the rendition of runaways in the northwestern and southwestern territories.
▪ Offering a contrast are the villages of Ferryside, Llansteffan and, of course, Laugharne - which is specifically referred to elsewhere.
▪ The acquirer will wish to limit disclosures to those specifically referred to in the disclosure letter.
▪ In this area, solicitors can specialise in matters such as child care and other areas which specifically relate to local government.
▪ What makes this cautionary tale so instructive is not just the details of back-room wheeling and dealing that relate specifically to Chicago.
▪ The tests used covered a number of topics and were not specifically related to the curriculum.
▪ In so far as some of these considerations relate specifically to the environment of the unit, they are worth mentioning here.
▪ Euro Disney stresses that the idea of raising new money is not related specifically to phase two.
▪ However, high doses of radiation that damage cells usually produce effects that can be related specifically to the radiation exposure.
▪ Attributes may possibly be added later which relate specifically to the course-module relationship.
▪ Further, it addressed other secular matters relating specifically to the political situation following the fall of Brunhild.
▪ Priority consideration is given to submissions from agents and / or those specifically requested.
▪ Murphy had specifically requested that Menshikov bring Kostiouk with him.
▪ Unfortunately, it also was one of the few stories my newspaper specifically requested me to do.
▪ The regulations state specifically that such investigations shall be held in private, and this sometimes leads to misunderstanding.
▪ And this despite the fact that the original request specifically stated the information was to be used for publication.
▪ Subtract -20 as a penalty from any character whose player specifically states that his character is using Bluff or some similar skill.
▪ The power of attorney would specifically state that no cheques could be made out to me or the firm.
▪ This area was specifically targeted because of the high level of involvement of people living there in road accidents.
▪ Conscious of the gender gap, even more are pursuing initiatives targeted specifically at women.
▪ Once this map has been plotted, interventions can be specifically targeted at particular areas.
▪ He has created a White House office targeted specifically at women.
▪ After further experimentation, it became obvious that the analysis had to be more specifically targeted.
▪ In Further and Higher Education, no access courses specifically targeted to develop teaching and training in community languages are available.
▪ Much of it is also written specifically for specialists, being virtually impenetrable to the uninitiated reader.
▪ This may be because of the built-in didactic nature of any story written specifically for the young.
▪ The triplet groove can be specifically written as triplets or a triplet feel can be implied.
▪ It is written specifically for social workers.
▪ This work arose out of a project in which a sample survey program was written specifically for use by developing countries.
▪ In the next chapter I want to explore the question of the cultural boundaries between dirfferent subjects. Specifically I will look at what we mean by the terms "art" and "science".
▪ Intel built the computer specifically for the movie.
▪ Kerr said he specifically told employees to keep the door locked.
▪ We're talking about money - specifically, the money we need to repair our schools.
▪ Clearly, though, future Budgets may well include measures specifically aimed at expatriates.
▪ In 1903 the Poplar Guardians leased for one year a new workhouse specifically for the use of able-bodied men.
▪ Many adverts are specifically aimed at women, supposedly because they do most of the shopping.
▪ More specifically, we lack competitive export credit guarantees in comparison with other countries.
▪ The five-page statement, delivered to radio stations in Medellin, did not specifically claim responsiblity for the blast.
▪ The pattern they follow is instinctive and also specifically geographical.
▪ This research is concerned with the special occasions when people specifically close a topic.
▪ This will only happen if management allocates specifically to the activity, and subsequently ensures that it is carried out.