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n. (plural of specialist English)

Usage examples of "specialists".

Meanwhile on Shintaro the O-daiko-yan quietly continued to turn out subtly adjusted AI components, aware that at any moment it might be identified as the source of all the trouble by the small horde of robotics and cybernetics specialists who were going rapidly nutso trying to divine precisely that.

Staff pediatricians, residents, interns, specialists, nurses - no one saw a thing.

So it went among rulers and ministers, common folk and specialists, as the news traveled across the starfield and throughout the fractious civilization humankind had inflicted on inhabitable worlds other than Earth.

Only a handful of specialists will even admit how far-reaching the effects of the worldwide crash were.

The medical specialists rebuilt his body and he was given a false identity.

Paks could not see much through the rain, but watched Plas Group specialists operating the two catapults, winding down the arm, loading stones into the cup.

I kept on, as I told you, for a whole year with my specialists, going from head to foot, and tapering off with a chiropodist.

I, that we would try to get along without consulting specialists, except in such cases as our family physician considered to be beyond his skill.

Suppose that our circle of Teacups were made up of specialists,--experts in various departments.

British writers in these days of specialists,--when students devote half a lifetime to the analysis of the works of a single author, and to the proper study of a single period.

The specialists would grow to be intolerable, were they not counterpoised to some degree by the people of general intelligence.