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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spatially \Spa"tial*ly\, adv. As regards space.


adv. With reference to space or arrangement in space.


adv. with regard to space; "spatially limited"

Usage examples of "spatially".

Wherever anything in the pure spatial adjacency of physical things remains inexplicable, resort is had to hypothetical pictures whose content consists once more of nothing but spatially extended and spatially adjacent items.

The institutions that are the condition of possibility and that define spatially the zones of effectivity of the exercise of discipline, however, do maintain a certain separation from the social forces produced and organized.

This fact, seen together with the characteristics of radioactivity, tells us that in such elements gravity has so far got the upper hand of levity that the physical substance is unable to persist as a spatially extended, coherent unit.

We may therefore conclude that the same characteristics will apply to the way in which the blue of the sky and the yellow of the sunlight are encountered spatially.

Our ability to read and make maps, to orient ourselves spatially in three dimensions and to use the appropriate symbols-all of which are probably involved in the development if not the use of language -are severely impaired by lesions in the parietal lobes, near the top of the head.

The Outtime Trading Corporation has transposition facilities at Ravvanan, on the Nile, which is spatially coexistent with the city of Ghamma on the Akor-Neb Sector, where Zortan Brend is.

Instantly space outside the Drex vessel was filled with multiple types of energy beam, neutron-compacted explosives, hot plasma, shaped charges traveling just below tachyspeed, molecular bond disrupters, and for good measure, a half dozen spatially circumscribed thermonuclear implosion bombs.

As we shall see, the spatially extended nature of a string is the crucial new element allowing for a single harmonious framework incorporating both theories.

But if we could push someone forward just one 'tick' in time, they would be in the same place spatially, but temporally out of phase with our existence….

The maximum effect is gained at close quarters - spatially speaking - from an encirclement, so that each resonator is equidistant from the target, setting up the resonating phenomenon at maximum efficiency.