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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spastically \Spas"tic*al*ly\, adv. Spasmodically.


adv. In a spastic way; accompanied by spasms.

Usage examples of "spastically".

The demon danced spastically from one sneakered foot to the other, glancing back down the alley from where he had emerged.

Limbs waving spastically, the undead pirate fell from its perch and plunged to the deck below, exploding in a spray of charred flesh.

He moved spastically all over the surface before pausing to look up and smile.

The siskin landed upside down several feet away, and lay on its back in the dust, flopping and kicking spastically while issuing pained chirrupy gurgles.

The chicken's legs twitched spastically as the conveyer belt rolled on and another bird took its place.

She threw her body over the spastically moving Kendrick while removing the gun from her flight jacket.