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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
eat sparingly (=eat very little)
▪ Carter joined us for lunch, but ate sparingly, as he always did.
▪ Words she used sparingly or not at all in her novels filtered into her reluctant mind: lust, passion, loins?
▪ Water is using sparingly, not wasted on thirsty lawns but displayed in fountains and small pools.
▪ This solution should be used sparingly.
▪ Even optical instruments, such as perspective machines, the cameraobscura and the camera lucida, were used sparingly.
▪ Ronseal Colored Satin Varnish in walnut was used sparingly in an even coat.
▪ Glaxo's scientists say omeprazole should be used sparingly because it might cause cancer.
▪ These notes, however, should be used sparingly as they soon pall on the ear.
▪ Davis played sparingly during his freshman season.
▪ Salt should be used sparingly in cooking.
▪ But perhaps it is wise that we sparingly reward those in charge of our money.
▪ I sipped water sparingly, leaving glass after glass for Induk.
▪ In mountain areas use motorised transport sparingly and park considerately.
▪ It is a mild but effective antibiotic, but use it very sparingly.
▪ None the less it has reproduced itself sparingly from Texas to the Carolinas.
▪ Trotter played sparingly in 1998 as the Eagles stumbled to a 3-13 record.
▪ Unlike sperm, eggs are produced very sparingly.
▪ Use the water sparingly and clean the carpet a small section at a time.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sparing \Spar"ing\, a. Spare; saving; frugal; merciful.
--Bacon. [1913 Webster] -- Spar"ing*ly, adv. -- Spar"ing*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from sparing, attested from late 14c. as a present participle adjective from spare (v.), + -ly (2).


adv. In a sparing manner; with frugality, moderation, scantiness, reserve, forbearance, or the like; sparsely.


adv. to a meager degree or in a meager manner; "these voices are meagerly represented at the conference"; "the area is slenderly endowed with natural resources" [syn: meagerly, slenderly, meagrely] [ant: amply, amply]

Usage examples of "sparingly".

I used my penlight sparingly, picking my way with care through heavy brush, twigs snapping underfoot.

Bromine does not occur in nature in the uncombined condition, but in combination with various metals is very widely but sparingly distributed.

On the assumption that many general readers are as unmathematical as I am, I will use them sparingly, though they are occasionally unavoidable, not least in a chapter dealing with things on a cosmic scale.

Nim, who had eaten sparingly, took a final sip of black, unsweetened coffee, then pushed his cup away.

Under cultivation newly planted roots will be found not only to flower sparingly, but the blooms will be rather small until the plant grows large and strong.

Usually, the self-propelled howitzers were set against enemy armor and strongpoints, using ammunition sparingly, one shell to a target.

When they were in the midst of that he allowed them to stop and they ate the meat and drank from the gourds, but sparingly for they had not seen any source of water that day.

President Toland had given two troop transports and two jeeps to Plato as a gesture of good will, but they were driven sparingly for two reasons.

Since yesterday, Minh had been taking pictures from time to time, though selectively and sparingly since there had been limitations on the number of tape cassettes he could bring.

Metcalf will tell you how much more sparingly they are given by our practitioners at the present time, than when he first inaugurated the new era of pharmacy among us.

Pirates had raided its storage silos, the people of the town would eat sparingly until their crops came in.

Marcus had collected enough solvents, acids, propellants, and other chemicals to make a fairly noxious smoke bomb combined with an aerosol herbicide, the same kind she had used sparingly on her garden on Pacifica.

In the shade at the base of the tower, she drank sparingly and finally allowed herself to eat: some desiccated berries, a coarse flat bread made palatable by being fried in olive oil, the sugary, withered carob pods she gathered every day, and today's delicacy, a paste of fish-meal and crushed parsnip flavored with onion and pulped juniper berries.

Both he and Klopp were tonsured in the severely barbered style of the young stockyard bloods down in Dry Hole, their hair sparingly confined to the crown of the head, like a treed, short-furred cat.

He was careful not to rub the stone too deep, for raw numbweed must be used sparingly or you could get horrible blisters and end up with scars.