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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sparoid \Spa"roid\ (?; 277), a. [L. sparus the gilthead + -oid: cf. F. sparo["i]de.] (Zo["o]l.) Of or pertaining to the Sparid[ae], a family of spinous-finned fishes which includes the scup, sheepshead, and sea bream. -- n. One of the Sparid[ae].


The Sparidae are a family of fish in the order Perciformes, commonly called sea breams and porgies (North America). The sheepshead, scup, and red seabream are species in this family. Most sparids are deep-bodied compressed fish with a small mouth separated by a broad space from the eye, a single dorsal fin with strong spines and soft rays, a short anal fin, long pointed pectoral fins and rather large firmly attached scales. They are found in shallow temperate and tropical waters and are bottom-dwelling carnivores. Most species possess grinding, molar-like teeth. Some of the species, such as Polysteganus undulosus, have been subject to overfishing, or exploitation beyond sustainable recovery.