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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Spare \Spare\, a. [Compar. Sparer; superl. Sparest; -- not used in all the senses of the word.] [AS. sp[ae]r sparing. Cf. Spare, v. t. ]

  1. Scanty; not abundant or plentiful; as, a spare diet.

  2. Sparing; frugal; parsimonious; chary.

    He was spare, but discreet of speech.

  3. Being over and above what is necessary, or what must be used or reserved; not wanted, or not used; superfluous; as, I have no spare time.

    If that no spare clothes he had to give.

  4. Held in reserve, to be used in an emergency; as, a spare anchor; a spare bed or room.

  5. Lean; wanting flesh; meager; thin; gaunt.

    O, give me the spare men, and spare me the great ones.

  6. Slow. [Obs. or prov. Eng.]


a. (en-superlative of: spare)