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n. (plural of spacesuit English)

Usage examples of "spacesuits".

They were in skivvies and stickyslippers, their spacesuits bobbing from hooks on the wall behind them.

Even if they all could get into spacesuits those unreachable suits in the spinlockit would only prolong their death sentence.

Fiaccone, had managed to bring back a half-dozen spacesuits from spinlock storage before Captain Boyle had vetoed any further forays.

Some of the figures, bulkier than the others, were either wearing spacesuits or being helped into them.

Secondary implosions inside the cryo-containers tore off the clothing worn under the spacesuits, and its shreds were forced by the oxygen from the bursting suits into the nitrogen coffins, where they turned to ash.

The spacesuits were still hanging on the rack, but otherwise the tiny room was empty.

Once the air was pumped out of the lock, the spacesuits lost their feeling of clumsiness.

The boys, dressed in their spacesuits, were waiting at the airlock when the Guardsman arrived.

When they were ready, Dig replaced the spacesuits under the jutting rock and covered them over with the grass.

Just as he reached out to seize him, the Asterian turned and hurled the spacesuits at the boy.

Piro told me about the extra spacesuits he found and you boys, and I rushed off to look for you.

He could even order people pushed out of the airlock without spacesuits as long as they were guilty of armed mutiny.

A locker room of police spacesuits would be sabotaged, and a few days later a tactical squad of the gestapo would storm into the barrack tubes, busting stills, confiscating drug stashes, and making summary arrests.

The top of each sphere was about twice the height of the kzinti, who stood in their spacesuits and helmets more than nine feet tall.

And from what we know of thrintun spacesuits, the stasis fields protecting them were turned on and off by the push of a button.