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n. (context chiefly science fiction English) A person who travels in space.

Usage examples of "spacefarer".

All of you spacefarer as usual, were off someplace else when decisions had to be made immediately.

I understand that her passing was felt by her foster daughter Maati and Spacefarer Thariinye across several galaxies.

Here I stood, my hair chopped and shaggy, my hands still scarred from the burns in the pod, my clothing more like a medieval forester than a modern spacefarer, and standing here as I was, with my shipmates behind me in very much the same clothing, with the same shag and the same gauntness and the same hopes, I felt prouder than I ever had before.

How much more waited undiscovered, at the half-million or so stars that spacefarers or their robots had come to, however briefly, and the three hundred billion or more in this one galaxy that none had yet reached?

Even this fragment of its outer reaches that humans and their fellow spacefarers had some slight knowledge of was.

Linyaari spacefarers, ambassadors, teachers, students, scientists, engineers, healers and their families, and the subsequent return of those rescued to narhii-Vhiliinyar, just six weeks before, big changes appeared to be taking place on the Linyaari world.

But I would prefer not intrude upon the retreat the Ancestors have declared vital to the recovery of our spacefarers unless I feel it is absolutely necessary.

Ancestors and ask those spacefarers on retreat to return for a special meeting of the Council on this matter.

Condor and the many Linyaari ships when they returned carrying the spacefarers from captivity.

Nobody else among the spaceport personnel, the techno-artisans, or the spacefarers treated her like she was inferior just because she was younger and shorter than they were.

In contrast to Liriili and her political friends, the spacefarers had, with rare exceptions, treated her with respect.

Ancestors, under their gentle, probing care, was meant to erase all pollution, all contamination, all taint, all pain, all shame left behind from the dreadful ordeal the Linyaari spacefarers had faced.

The combed officer had been about to set off for the hills herself to fetch the spacefarers when the pilgrims came streaming home.

As seafarers and spacefarers had for thousands of years before the two of us, we both knew the ship we were on meant our very lives.

And the same would apply in the case of nonhuman spacefarers, such as the Shaara and the Halli-cheki.