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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sozzle \Soz"zle\, v. t. [Freq. from soss, v.]

  1. To splash or wet carelessly; as, to sozzle the feet in water. [Local, U.S.]

  2. To heap up in confusion. [Prov. Eng.]


Sozzle \Soz"zle\, n.

  1. One who spills water or other liquids carelessly; specifically, a sluttish woman. [Local, U.S.]

  2. A mass, or heap, confusedly mingled. [Prov. Eng.]


n. 1 (context archaic English) One who spills water or other liquids carelessly. 2 (context archaic English) An untidy woman. 3 A confusedly mingled mass or heap. vb. 1 (context US dialect English) To splash or wet carelessly. 2 To heap up in confusion.

Usage examples of "sozzle".

And he was right, you cannot get properly sozzled speaking the verdomde taal!

Also: fuddled, lush, mellow, merry, plastered, primed, sozzled, squiffy, topheavy, tight, oiled, and one over the eight.