vb. (context obsolete English) (past participle of sow English)
Usage examples of "sowen".
He that his hand will put in this mittain, He shall have multiplying of his grain, When he hath sowen, be it wheat or oats, So that he offer pence, or elles groats.
I pray you number all the torments which she shall suffer : First shee shall dwell within the paunch of an Asse : secondly her nosethrilles shall receive a carraine stinke of the beast : thirdly shee shall dye for hunger : last of all, shee shall finde no meane to ridde her selfe from her paines, for her hand shalt be sowen up within the skinne of the Asse : This being said, all the Theeves consented, and when I (poore Asse) heard and understood all their device, I did nothing else but lament and bewayle my dead carkasse, which should be handled in such sort on the next morrow.
Next mornin' when we all went to take sowens from the keg for breakfast, there was nothin' left but dirty water!