Usage examples of "south-west".
When this occurs, there follows either a short pause, or else the wind suddenly shifts to the south-west, and blows from that quarter with increasing violence, while the barometer rises rapidly.
Here lie the principal ruins, forming a rude parallelogram from north-east to south-west.
A south-west wind brought up rain--the sun came out, and mocking the usual laws of nature, seemed even at this early season to burn with solstitial force.
One, his eyes lost in green and yellow puffs, his nose taking a south-west direction, said cheerily the whole thing had been fair and square, a first-rate stoush enjoyed by all.
And in that trisulk flash Corinius beheld through the south-west window the Iron Tower blasted and cleft asunder, and the next instant fallen in an avalanche of red-hot ruin.
These were Archaean rocks of the pre-Cambrian Shield which covered almost half Australia, outcropping in the Yilgarn Block, an area in the south-west that was about the size of Britain, and also in the smaller Pilbara Block, and continuing right through to the Centre, where the Shield was overlaid by sand and gravel.
South-west of this branch of the Athapascan family, for the striking differences in the details of their myths would seem to indicate that the tribal separation was not a recent one, and that the mythology of the two tribes became changed in the course of its natural development along different lines or through accretion of other peoples since the original segregation.
South-West Pacific in at least two stages: first, the so-called Papuans speaking languages very distantly related to each other, and not at all related so far as is known to the Austronesian group.
On the other hand, the tradition of an English family avers that a Devonshire gentleman was asked by an important personage in France to succour an unnamed lady who was being smuggled over in a sailing boat to our south-west coast.
Cape Bowhead, was standing south-west on the west-north-west breeze with the larboard tacks aboard, moving just fast enough to have steerage-way.
On October 31st the force remained on the defensive, but early on November 1st the gleaming of two heliographs, one to the north-east and one to the south-west, told that two British columns, those of De Lisle and of Barter, were hastening to the rescue.
Courageux, Captain Wilkinson, running plumb on to the Anholt reef by night, wind at south-west, double-reefed topsails and forecourse, making eight knots.
Germany real Africans, Hereros, ex-colonials from South-West Africa, somehow active in the secret-weapons program.
The Hispano was rocking from side to side as it flew round the bends of the twisting road south-west of Hungerford.
The Hispano had passed the cross-roads nine miles south-west of Hungerford and come out on to the straight.