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n. (alternative spelling of sorghum English)

Usage examples of "sourgum".

The rain had dwindled to a drizzle falling from a gray sky, and despite bubbles in the glass he could make out the trees beyond the fields, pine and sourgum and the occasional oak, all full of new growth.

Oak and pine, sourgum and leatherleaf and trees she did not recognize all looked even more bedraggled than they had in the heat and drought.

Scattered sourgums and some sort of small, droopy-branched willow screened the wagon from the road and the town, and a two-foot-wide rivulet ran from a stone outcrop near the top of the rise, down a bed of dried mud twice as broad.

The true forest lay behind them to the west, but twisted oaks grew out of the rocky slopes, sourgums arid pines of unfamiliar shape, and trees Egwene had no names for, brown and yellow and bare-branched.