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n. (plural of source English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: source)

Sources (website)

Sources is a web portal for journalists, freelance writers, editors, authors and researchers, focusing especially on human sources: experts and spokespersons who are prepared to answer Reporters' questions or make themselves available for on-air interviews.

Usage examples of "sources".

Data from all three sources pours into the computer in response to a transactional stimulus.

They are constitutionally incapable of coming clean about the deeper sources of their own thinking.

The conclusions of these two sources are in strong agreement, even though they were arrived at independently and from very different angles.

Their lives should be one long round of receptions and recruiting sources through the cocktail circuit, not running around, weapon strong.

But I think it would be helpful to gather together, from different sources, the various indicators of this evolutionary directionality and briefly examine them one at a time.

The far future will freeze, even if somehow life manages to find fresh sources of power.

Into this reflective vacuum, this sucking black hole, the narcissist attracts the sources of his Narcissistic Supply.

Sex for the narcissist is an instrument designed to increase the number of Sources of Narcissistic Supply.

Finally, he really is left alone by everyone, with no Secondary Sources of Supply.

Scattered in thin groups, point sources of heat glowed an artificial ruddy red.

Apart from anything else, nearly half the completed work now consisted of quotations from French sources, still in the original French.

Mendeleyevs there were: some sources say there were fourteen children, some say seventeen.

In the early 1960s, a famous anthropologist named Carleton Coon of the University of Pennsylvania suggested that some modern races have different sources of origin, implying that some of us come from more superior stock than others.

More recently they are referred directly to the group from outside sources, or they ask to be allowed to enter a group, having heard about such a group from a friend.

It now seemed to me necessary to pay more attention to theoretical considerations, so as to gain a more exact knowledge of the sources from which science drew its conception of nature.