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Usage examples of "soupbone".

It looked like it would go through, too, but just as they were about ready, Soupbone got cold feet and gave up his insides.

Once in a while some kid took a stab at it, but if he got caught by Soupbone he regretted it the rest of his life.

The best way to do was to fight shy of Soupbone, and keep him on ice for Honey Grove and Coulon.

We could see Soupbone standing on top of a box--car as the train went by, and he looked like a tall devil.

Then the tram went off into the darkness, Soupbone standing up straight and stiff.

The kid was pleading and almost crying, when Soupbone suddenly jumped at him, smashed him in the jaw with the gun--barrel, and knocked him off the train.

Shine had to get out of sight, because Soupbone would undoubtedly have some wild--eyed story to tell about being attacked by hoboes and being shot by one.

The Shine and Mole lifted Soupbone up, and this time he was not so limp.

He slid along half--stooped, as quick as a streak of light, and before we knew what was doing he had pounced on Soupbone and had fastened his hands tight around the neck of the big stiff.

The bunch laid hold of him and pulled, but they only dragged Soupbone all over the place.

Kaiser Bill was gnawing on his soupbone, and every time Freddy cast an envious glance toward it, Kaiser would growl at him.