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n. (alternative form of sound stage English)

Soundstage (TV series)

Soundstage was an American live concert television series produced by WTTW Chicago and HD Ready. The original series aired for 13 seasons between 1974 and 1985; a new series of seasons began in 2003, with the latest (Season 8) starting in January 2010, each presented in high definition with surround sound. Some performances have been made available on DVD. The performances are taped on stage at the WTTW television studio in Chicago, as well as large venues throughout the United States.

HD Ready, LLC is a full-scale production company specializing in producing live concert performances for the acclaimed television show, as well as for DVDs and Blu-rays. Music industry veteran and HD Ready founder Joe Thomas has produced and directed over 100 episodes for Soundstage. Airing nationally on PBS, MTV Live, CMT, Rave HD, and GAC, as well as internationally in over 20 countries, the program features intimate performances by today's legendary, as well up-and-coming hit artists.

Usage examples of "soundstage".

Under the guise of the laconic westerner his grunts and monosyllabic replies were designed to abbreviate these irritating intrusions so as to return, one foot always wedged in the door, to the bustling soundstage of the mind he spent lengthening hours of his day hiding out in.

Marcine--in one of her rare moments of actually making sense--had taken two hours off from the studio and had the commissary put together a box lunch for both of them to eat in the park across from Soundstage 40.

The courtroom where Liysa Northon would be tried for murder was across the hall, an expansive room that looked like a soundstage for a Gary Cooper movie set in the 1890s.

By contract, the studio gets twenty-five percent of the budget for studio overhead, telephone bills, electricity, use of soundstages etc.

Once, when he was young, he had seen a horror film, one of those cheesy Japanese concoctions where the special effects were done on one soundstage, the Japanese actors read their lines on a second soundstage, and the American leads, brought over to Tokyo for a week, did their closeups at a different time.

She rolled so hard and so fast that she had demolished three soundstages before she was able to struggle to her feet.

Light bounced off some of the mirrors and out like idiot semaphores into space, instead of illuminating the soundstages behind Outer Hollywood’s pressure-sealed windows.

Had they taken the tram to the end of the line young Kenneth would actually have seen the Emerald City, pretty much as Dorothy, Toto, and company had approached it in 1939 on a yellow brick road that was partly on a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer soundstage and partly in the box of tricks of a process cinematographer.