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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sound effects
▪ Inside lurk 211 wide-ranging drum and percussion sounds, 30 sound effects and nine bass sounds.
▪ Joe Meek's futuristic sound effects made Telstar Britain's most successful pop instrumental.
▪ Special sound effects were still a problem though.
▪ Taping your own sound effects is another interesting part of video movie making: it can become almost a hobby in itself.
▪ The props - ruins, guns, sound effects - were always there.
▪ Voice over Music ending on sound effects.
▪ With modern commentary and sound effects.
sound effects

n. (sound effect English)

Usage examples of "sound effects".

The projection screen had been small and stained but the picture clear enough and the sound effects all too vivid and true to life.

It is for this reason that practitioners of political or religious brainwashing make use not only of sensory deprivation (solitary confinement, for example) but of sensory bombardment involving flashing lights, rapidly shifting patterns of color, chaotic sound effects--the whole arsenal of psychedelic kaleidoscopy.

And since these autumnal sound effects were his only way of appealing to his grandmother, he stayed out on Ringstrasse, gazing at the Number 5 cars as they approached or receded, clanging their bells in their course along the Heeresanger.

The beamed picture will appear, complete with sound effects, on the wall-screen opposite.

And here it came, rolling over the ground by the edge of the glacier, a low dark mass topped by a rolling cloud of dust, like time-lapse film of an approaching thunderhead, sound effects and all.

That would be all she needed right now, to get handed an animated Watch tower, complete with stereophonic sound effects triggered by the warmth of her thumb and forefinger.

Seen from the outside, the ghostly spray cast off by the shuttle's maneuvering jets was even more dramatic, albeit without the sound effects.

The bathroom door was half-closed, but there were no sound effects suggesting that he was still in there.