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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sottish \Sot"tish\, a. [From Sot.] Like a sot; doltish; very foolish; drunken.

How ignorant are sottish pretenders to astrology!

Syn: Dull; stupid; senseless; doltish; infatuate. [1913 Webster] -- Sot"tish*ly, adv. -- Sot"tish*ness, n.


adv. in a sottish manner


adv. in a sottish manner

Usage examples of "sottishly".

Prince did set up to teach to Mansoul his law, should myself live senseless and sottishly here, and be one of the first found in transgression!

I, a preacher, should have lived so senselessly and so sottishly in my parish, and be one of the foremost in its transgressions!