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n. (plural of sorter English)

Usage examples of "sorters".

Grandma would have been taken to the Holy Sorters long ago, though Pamra doubted she had been Sorted Out.

There the good and righteous, their faces shining with the radiance of a life well spent, are Sorted Out by the Holy Sorters to be dressed in silk and placed in the arms of Potipur.

If she sat here until the Holy Sorters came to bring those who had not been Sorted Out, they would turn her to stone for her presumption, and it would still be too late to do anything for Delia.

No amount of dragging bring her to answer to Potipur for her sin in not trusting to the Holy Sorters to Son it all out.

Who knows, maybe the Holy Sorters would Sort you Out if there were enough Sorter coins in your purse.

She knew as well as Noteen did that Sorters, Sorter compassion, and Sorter coin were all equally mythological, but it was Melancholic policy to appear to believe in the myth, at least when moving among the shore-fish-so-called because the townees schooled at the edge of the River, waiting to be caught, just as song-fish did in the waters along the shore.

It was not Holy Sorters who put the sainted dead in Potipur’s arms, it was the Servants of Abricor who carried their souls to Potipur.

It was presumed the Holy Sorters would take them directly from their roofless tombs into Potipur’s arms.

And sure as sure, some oldsters couldn’t stand the changes and had to carry their dead west for the Holy Sorters, even though everyone knew there weren’t any such things.

These were in the majority, and most of the experienced sorters directed a constant flow of abuse at Singers who had cut quantities of the commodity then most over stocked.

She kept glancing toward the far door where Lanzecki had made his dramatic exit, aware of the surreptitious looks in her direction from other Sorters, aware of an emotion more intense than hatred, emptier than fear.

From the moment the sorters recruited her class to help with crystal and Enthor had chosen her.

The other four Sorters on duty gave Killashandra a pleasant nod or wave as she made her way to Clodine's station: a station that had been Enthor's since before Killa had become a member of the Heptite Guild.

Some Sorters enjoyed persiflage, and/or getting the better of the singer Timing was so often the deciding factor in the worth of a cut.

Holy Sorters, even though everyone knew there weren't any such things.