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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And to be company for him in his old age among this sorority of Slavonic women he seemed to be siring.
▪ Can schools prohibit students from belonging to fraternities, sororities, and other undemocratic organizations?
▪ Did Bill Clinton wallow in the mud with a group of Tucson sorority girls?
▪ Students are rushing to food lines or dormitories or sororities, running for elevators or taking stairs two at a time.
▪ The abolition of the sororities evidently did not take place without a great deal of resistance.
▪ We were supposed to have a couple of sororities too, but there was a communication problem.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1530s, "a society of women, body of women united for some purpose," from Medieval Latin sororitas "sisterhood, of or pertaining to sisters," from Latin soror "sister" (see sister). Sense of "women's society in a college or university" attested by 1887 (Alpha Delta Pi claims founding in 1851).


n. 1 A group of girls or women associated for a common purpose; a sisterhood. 2 (context US English) A social organization of female students at a college or university; usually identified by Greek letters.


n. a social club for female undergraduates

Usage examples of "sorority".

Kappa Gamma Pi house, unlike most of the local fraternity and sorority houses, had a history.

Kappa pin, gleaming ebony with gold letters and a tiny gold chain above her left breast, where all the privileged sorority girls wore their sacred pins, in the proverbial region of the heart.

Agnes Thayer was at an open house during sorority rush the previous February.

Thayer described, with a shudder, such behavior known to occur at other, less rigorously maintained sorority houses on campus.

And now it was years later and the smiling bride was a widow, a housemother in an American sorority the majority of whose members hated her, and were gleefully conspiring to get her fired.

What the Camellia Buds ought to do is to turn the sorority into an Amalgamated Society of Fairy Godmothers, and each of us take over a junior to look after and act providence to.

Between the first and second distributions Agnes, as President of the Sorority, addressed the meeting.

Both she and Elsie were members of the rival sorority, so there was division in No.

At the drawing of lots in the sorority she had somehow realized that everybody was extremely thankful to have escaped having her unpopular chum as a buddy.

The rival sorority, after witnessing this triumph, was more and more thankful to have abandoned the idea of acting an animated toy-shop.

The unpleasant fact remained that the rival sorority had played an abominable trick, and that the blame at present rested upon Peachy.

The Camellia Buds had fixed the mischief so certainly on the rival sorority that they had never thought of the younger girls.

We were in front of the sorority house, an imposing white brick structure reminiscent of a plantation with its pillars and green shutters.

Apparently Inez was too flabbergasted to do anything more than goggle at the figures on the porch of the sorority house.

For a brief, stunned moment, I thought it was meant to be symbolic of a skull and crossbones, but as she came nearer, I realized it was nothing more sinister than her sorority pin.